Does healthy guava have cons
Guava is the only fruitthat we can say, cheap and best for our health. Now-a-days we are buying it inthe market but there was a time when every house had a Guava tree. The fruit which we find abundant in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh reminds us about the sweet days when we used to climb a guava tree and fall down. Then how could such a fruit has cons? Let’s find out. Coming to Pros, · Guava has vitamin c including some other antioxidants thatare responsible for avoiding cancer. Especially it is a best medicine forbreast cancer, intestine cancer, skin and liver cancer. · Like any other c vitamin fruit, guava also increases the immune system and keeps the digestive system intact. Guava consists of vitamin A with antioxidants like carotene and lycopene which stops ageing. · Also Physicians recommend it to every sugar patient as it has the ability to fight against diabetes. ...